COBOX® is a protective copper fungicide for the control of many diseases of fruit, nuts and vegetables
COBOX® is a superrior formulated copper oxychloride fungicide to control a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases in citrus, grapes, nuts, tree fruit, vegetables, and many other crops.
At a glance
Product Type Fungicide / Bactericide
Active Ingredient Copper present as copper oxychloride 500 g/kg
Formulation Type Wettable powder (WP)
Features and Benefits
Hi-Load copper formulation
Long-term protection and excellent rainfastness
Easy mixing and clean spraying
High spray-tank stability
Using Hi-pure recycled copper only
Cosaco’s copper oxychloride-based products are successfully used for many decades as a traditional active ingredient in crop protection across the world making them the preferred choice of farmers for fungal and bacterial control in numerous crops. Constant innovation of our formulations ensures that our copper oxychloride products comply with the highest standards in terms of physical and chemical properties serving as an efficient and reliable tool in crop protection.
Cosaco’s formulated products include; water dispersible granules (WG), wettable powders (WP) and suspension concentrates (SC) that are easy to handle and easily dispersed in water, making them ideal for all types of spraying situations.